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Wexham School

Wexham School
Sports College

Opportunity Inspiration Success

Home / School Agreement

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Home School Agreement 2024

The School will:

  • Provide an ordered, caring and supportive environment which celebrates diversity and equality. We will also provide for the academic, social, physical and personal development of each individual.
  • Provide a full and balanced curriculum which allows each student to excel and to develop their interests further.
  • Set targets for each student and regularly share and explain these with parents/carers.
  • Provide parents/carers with information about their child's progress and development.
  • Give parents/carers regular opportunities for meetings with teachers.
  • Pass on medical and educational information that parents/carers provide where appropriate.
  • Keep parents/carers fully informed about important school matters.
  • Efficiently respond to parents’/carers’ enquiries promptly and justly.

Parents/Carers will:

  • Support all policies and strategies that the School uses to ensure a positive learning atmosphere.
  • Encourage their child to be positive about all aspects of school, including homework and the many other opportunities offered.
  • Ensure that their child attends school consistently and punctually, providing the School with a note to cover any absence, recognising the incurrence of a fine for term-time holidays.
  • Ensure that their child wears full school uniform, takes pride in their appearance and brings the correct equipment for each day.
  • Inform the School of any known concerns about their child's education, attend meetings at school to discuss progress, to learn about the work of the school and regularly update the school of any factors which may affect their child's performance or participation.
  • Keep the school informed of changes in contact details and update us with any medical or health concerns in regards to their child.
  • Always act responsibly and in keeping with the school’s expectations on the appropriate behaviour of adults whilst visiting the school.
  • Encourage their child to walk or cycle to school, wherever it is realistic, and in doing so promote and encourage a healthy lifestyle.

Students will:

  • Be polite to other people in school and also in the community.
  • Behave in an honest and sensible manner, showing respect for the school and for their own and other people’s property.
  • Approach all aspects of school life with a positive attitude to learning.
  • Consistently attend school and punctually.
  • Wear full school uniform and take a pride in their appearance and bring the appropriate equipment to school each day. 
  • Work hard in lessons to develop their abilities further and endeavour to meet and exceed their targets.
  • Be good members of our community by reporting anyone who is making someone else unhappy, for example bullying.