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Wexham School

Speculation over schools reopening

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To all members of the School community

As you may be aware there is more speculation today in the media regarding the reopening date for schools. PLEASE IGNORE any speculation as it is so unhelpful at this time for all parents, students and teachers. Whilst many want to see the country come out of lock down and schools to reopen many others are very anxious about this and in general any relaxation of the current measures to combat the rapid spread of COVID-19. Such speculation parading as fact really is unhelpful and can raise hopes for some or indeed anxieties for others.

Headteachers do not know any more than the wider public at this stage and I am sure that we will all find out from central government at the same time, probably through one of their daily update briefings. 

Please rest assured that should there be any announcements we will formally notify parents, students and staff. 

In the meantime please follow all the government guidance, stay safe and as positive as possible. So many sacrifices have been made by so many people, young and old, that we do not want to risk a second peak of COVID-19. 

Kind regards

Lawrence Smith - Headteacher