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Wexham School

School Reopening - Update 2nd March

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All parents should now have received a letter through the post detailing the exact time their child is to attend school for their Rapid Lateral Flow Test for Covid 19. Unless a parent does not wish to consent to the test all students must be tested before they return to the classroom.

In brief the table outlines the day students are being tested and their return to school day. On the return to school day students should arrive to school at the normal time.


Testing Day

Return to School Day

Year 12/13

5th March

8th March

Year 7

8th March

9th March

Year 8

9th March

10th March

Year 11

10th March

11th March

Year 9

11th March

12th March

Year 10

12th March

15th March


Students arriving to be tested must enter the school via the entrance opposite the Dance Studio (our testing centre).

All ‘live teaching’ will cease on 5th March. Remote learning will continue to be set for all year groups until they return to school. Remote learning will continue to be provided after the 15th March to any student that is shielding on the advice of the NHS or at home isolating due to a positive test result or a close contact.