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Wexham School

Reintroduction of face masks/coverings from 7th June

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In discussion with Slough Local Authority and PHE from Monday 7th June I am reintroducing the compulsory wearing of face masks/coverings inside buildings for the foreseeable for all students and staff unless they are exempt. Large numbers of students continued to wear face masks which was very good, however further action must be taken and the decision to reintroduce this is for the following reasons:

  • Between 8th March and 28th May only three students tested positive for Covid via the lateral flow tests conducted on the school site in early March. No other cases have occurred until this Bank Holiday Weekend when a number of students tested positive for Covid, confirmed by PCR tests. This is a significant increase in a very short space of time.
  • More than one secondary school in Slough before half term were the subject of surge testing by PHE for their number of cases and the prevalence of the Delta variant.
  • The rapid increase in Slough’s Covid rate.
  • The emergence of the Delta variant which is more transmissible and those adults that have only had one dose of the Oxford/AstraZeneca being far less protected than with other vaccines and the continuing number of adults that are still waiting for their first vaccine.

No other aspects of our risk assessment will change. Students must follow all our restrictions in order to keep the transmission of Covid as low as possible.