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Wexham School

Inter-form Football Tournaments

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The first events of our 2016-17 level 1 inter-form sports competition calendar got underway this week with 5-a-side football tournaments on the astro after school for Years 7, 8 and 9.

Over three afternoons approximately 140 boys and girls took part in these 5-a-side football tournaments, competing against their friends and peers. All three competitions were well attended and extremely positive with good behaviour, fair play and teamwork evident throughout.

Our intra-school sports programme provides students with the opportunity to participate and compete against the other students in their year group once every six weeks and healthy competition between tutor groups is encouraged as part of the Wexham learning community where ambition and aiming for success are highly valued.

Medals and certificates will be presented to the players from the winning team in each year group in assemblies during the first week of next half-term.

Year 7 Winners: Loveless

Year 8 Winners: Deacon

Year 9 Winners: Pankhurst

The Year 10 and Year 11 inter-form 5-a-side football tournaments are scheduled to take place in the first week of next half-term as follows:

Year 10: Tuesday 1st November (3.30 - 4.45pm)

Year 11: Thursday 3rd November (3.30 - 4.45pm)

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