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Wexham School

African Studies Centre Visit

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On 9th May the A Level History students visited the African Studies Centre at Oxford University.  The students are studying South African history and went to meet Professor William Beinart who wrote the textbook for their course.  This was an amazing opportunity for the students to ask Professor Beinart about the history of South Africa and to deepen their understanding of the course.  The students enjoyed the afternoon, discussing the different developments in South Africa 1948-1994 and looking at some primary sources of the time.  They also met a South African student who is studying at the centre and who was able to give his own perspective on the history they have been studying.  “The History conference has been a refreshing opportunity to engage with the A level material outside the classroom.  The ability to discuss aspects of the course with William Beinart has not only enriched our understanding but has also been an immense boost of confidence in preparation for our exams.” (Year 13 student)