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Wexham School


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The Team and Facilities:

PSHE and Citizenship is taught by tutors, supported by specialist staff where appropriate. We are dedicated to helping students improve their personal and social skills whilst also providing knowledge of the world around them at a local and global level. Lessons are engaging, practical and interactive. Students are encouraged to be creative, voice their opinions and critically evaluate key issues which relate to them and impact their lives.

Key Stage 3

The Key Stage 3 curriculum is designed to support all students at this critical stage of their education. Year 7 lessons focus on how to make a successful start to their secondary career both academically and socially. In Year 7 we also look at the different British Values, forming personal relationships and identifying the impact of bullying and identifying potential risky and harmful behaviours. In Year 8 topics cover all areas of the PSHE and Citizenship programme of study including; politics, awareness of mental health, money management and different types of relationships. In Year 9 students will focus on what causes crime as well as its consequences on people and the community, drug awareness, employability skills, basic first aid and Sex and Relationship education.

The curriculum has been designed to challenge the students academically and to encourage them to think deeply about controversial subject matter relevant to their age. Students enjoy the challenging nature of PSHEE. Students have praised the curriculum explaining that they look forward to lessons and also feel the subject equips them with the knowledge and skills necessary to deal with potentially difficult issues.

Key Stage 4

All students at Key Stage 4 will continue to have one lesson a week. The lessons will build on themes covered at Key Stage 3 whilst also meeting the requirements of a Key Stage 4 cohort. Year 10 look at basic human and employment rights and how democracy works in the UK. Alongside this they will be introduced to mental well-being and revision strategies which will begin preparing them for their GCSE year. In Year 11 students will focus on preparing students for working life; such as interview skills, CV writing and personal statements. As well as Sex and Relationship education and finally revision skills to prepare them for their GCSEs.

PSHE is a non-examined subject. The lack of external examination affords PSHE freedom which teachers use to build creative, engaging, and up to date lessons.

Key Stage 5

At Key Stage 5 students continue to have one lesson per week. The onus is on preparing students for University, Apprenticeships or the world of work. Students use lessons to write Personal Statements, complete their UCAS applications and prepare for University and job interviews. Key Stage 5 students will also discuss relevant political and social topics such as; the right to protest, free speech versus hate speech, social media and the role of fake news. They will also cover topics about improving their mental wellbeing, developing a healthy work life balance and maintaining relationships with their peer group.

Students find these lessons play an integral part in shaping their future careers and recognise the important role PSHE plays in advising and guiding them at this crucial juncture of their education.