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Wexham School


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Careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) at Wexham helps support students to make informed choices about their future, helping them to reach their potential and aspire to their future options. CEIAG helps young people:

  • Develop the knowledge, confidence and skills they need to make well informed choices at GCSE and A-Level
  • Develop awareness of wide variety of education, training and career opportunities. 
  • Prepares them for transition to life beyond secondary school and Sixth Form.
  • Ensure that they leave school to enter further education, training or employment.
  • Develops their transferable skills for the world of work
  • Manage their careers and sustain employability throughout their lives.

Wexham is committed to providing a planned programme of careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) for all students in Years 7-13, working in liaison with:

  • Thames Valley Berkshire LEP Ltd and Team Heathrow
  • Enterprise co-ordinator for Wexham School
  • Learning to Work Team
  • STEM Partners-General Electric -Lead by Mr Inderjit Singh (Wexham School)
  • University Outreach Teams

We aim to provide ALL students with a comprehensive CEIAG programme to support students to develop the following:

  • Careers Management
  • Careers Self Development
  • Careers Exploration

Careers education lessons are delivered to all students as part of PSHE lessons as taught lessons or students exploring careers using Careers websites. In addition to this, students are able to participate in some of the following:

  • Virtual Work experience Programmes
  • 1-2-1 Careers Guidance sessions
  • Visiting speakers
  • Workshops
  • Webinars
  • Career Fairs (Virtual/ Face-to-Face)

Contact Details:

New Careers Statutory Guidance

A new statutory guidance document was released by DfE in January 2003. It requires schools to have a policy for “Provider Access”. This document sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to pupils at the school for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997.

This document can be found on the school’s website Under Careers and Guidance Section.

Gatsby Benchmarks-What we do

Wexham School aims to provide a Careers Programme around the government’s Gatsby Benchmarks as below:

Gatsby Benchmark

Following opportunities are provided to meet the benchmarks

A stable careers programme


Year 7: PSHE lesson focussing on transferable skills, “What is a Career” and brief introduction to Career Pathways and LMI

Year 7: A careers drop down day OR Futures workshop (Organised by SEGRO and LTW)

Year 8: PSHE lesson focussing on money management and transferable skills. Applying for a job and Dragon’s Den style activity. Brief introduction to Pathways and LMI

Year 8: Unifrog launch-matching careers suited to their interest and personality profile

Year 9: PSHE lessons focus on employability skills and Pathways information (Vocational vs academic and Apprenticeships/T-Levels)

Year 9: Registration sessions on GSCE option choices ((jobs using subjects), Berkshire LMI, priority sectors and Post 16 Pathways information including T-Levels.

Year 9: Unifrog launch-matching careers suited to their interest and personality profile

Year 10: PSHE lessons on “Preparing for the future”-skills and qualities desired by employers, CV writing, college and job interviews, presentation and employability skills

Year 11: PSHE lesson on CV writing, LinkedIn & standard application form, session on employability skills, higher and degree apprenticeships, Post 16 & Post 18 Pathways, Berkshire LMI, exploring careers by job sector and NCS Summer Programme launch.

Year 12/13: PSHE lessons-Support with University applications, personal statements, Post 18 options, University vs Apprenticeships (Co-ordinated by Sixth form team)

Year 10-13: Virtual work ready webinars (Links provided via SMHW/student emails)

Learning from career and labour market information


All Years: School website has links to Berkshire opportunities website that has latest LMI information.

Yeas 8-13: access to key software (Start, Career Pilot, Unifrog)

All Years- PSHE Lessons: LMI and Pathways information (A-Levels, BTEC, Apprenticeships and T-Level information) to be covered.

Addressing the needs of each pupil


Year 10: Detailed action plans created form 1-2-1 career guidance interviews (Will be emailed to students and Parents)

Year 12 and Year 13: Same as above for a select group of students

Post 11 and post 18-Destination data monitored (Leader of Sixth form, UCAS and Young People’s Services, Slough))

Year 8 onwards: Started logging in Interactions on Unifrog (to allow pastoral teams to support and track progress of students from Year 8 onwards)

Linking curriculum learning to careers


All Years-links to careers within subject lessons.

All Leaders of department have access to “My Learning, My Future” a suite of resources to support teaching staff in various subjects.

Departments have displays about jobs and apprenticeships linked to subjects.

Encounters with employers and employees

Year 7: Futures workshop (Organised by SEGRO and LTW)-employer led activities-involving employers from Slough Trading Estate

Year 8-10 and Year 12: Employer workshops/assemblies organised by Inderjit-STEM.

Year 9: RAF workshop (Selective students organised by BEEP)

Year 10: Workshops/ assemblies organised through BEEP.

Year 10-13: Regular notices on SMHW about virtual career fairs, virtual work experience opportunities, work placements and work ready club sessions.

Year 7,8,9,10 and 12: Careers Fair (June 2022) in liaison with Inderjit-STEM

Year 12: Bar mock trials (Co-ordinated by Assistant LSF)

Experiences of workplaces


Year 11-registered for Speakers for schools-virtual work experience website

Year12-regsitered for Speakers for school- virtual work experience website

Students encouraged to research and apply.

Year 10 and Year 12: STEM GE- work experience (a select group of students completed this-(Co-ordinated by Inderjit-STEM)

Encounters with further and higher education


Year 11: Sixth form open evening-Universities invited by LOY 12/13

Year 7,8,9,10 and 12: Careers Fair (June 2022)-Colleges and Universities invited.

Year 8 -10: Targeted University visits (Pastoral-PP/FSM, aspiration)

Following are organised by Leader and assistant leader of Sixth form:

Year 12: UCAS trip

Year 12: Support with University taster days

Year 12: University Financial talk

Year 12: Summer school programmes (Eton, Nuffield, Sutton trust)

Personal guidance


Years 8 Online Career matching Session-Unifrog

Year 9: Online Careers matching session (Unifrog, Start UExplore)

Year 9: Options/Pathways evening

Year 10: 1-2-1 career guidance sessions with Advisor from LTW

Year 11: Pathway Interviews

Year 11: 1-2-1 career guidance Interviews (Selective students-need based as recommended by the LOY and using feedback from group career guidance sessions for all students in Year 10.

Year 11: NEET Support

Year 12 and 13: Help and support with the UCAS process from the Leader and assistant leader of Sixth form and during PSHE.

Year 12 and 13: Selective 1-2-1 career guidance interviews (as recommended by Leader of Sixth form)

SENCO Provision:

Support form SEND transition worker from Uxbridge College for applications. Learning mentors supporting students with post 16 applications. 

Provision of Careers is evaluated by working towards meeting the Gatsby Benchmarks using the compass evaluation tool.

This helps us identify gaps in provision and work towards improving our provision in that area


Date of next review: May 2025