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Wexham School

Headteacher’s welcome

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Welcome to Wexham School

At Wexham all members of our community strive for excellence in a happy, safe and inspiring learning environment. This is our mission and I believe it embodies everything we do and reflects the determination that we have to fulfil our potential and aim for the best.  Creating a warm, calm and purposeful environment where we can all flourish means we are all happier and therefore we work harder to achieve success.

I am extremely proud of the achievements of our students. Every year we have children achieving the highest grades at Wexham. Every year students from Wexham move on to universities and study a broad range of qualifications, including medicine and law. We are exceptionally proud of all our students’ achievements, whatever the start point. Many of our students have had to overcome significant challenges to achieve and we share their joy as they depart us to continue on the journey knowing that we have successfully helped them on their way to achieve even bigger and better things.

Qualifications are extremely important but they are one aspect of school life. At Wexham students learn to truly value their education through a love for learning and the opportunities that this brings.  We provide many extra-curricular activities and trips and visits which enhances student’s cultural capital and the broader understanding of life. We provide an excellent personal development programme which celebrates the diversity, respect and tolerance. Together these shape the future person that our children become through nurturing their talents and ambitions whilst with us but so that they can continuously learn and improve themselves long after they leave.

I am committed to excellence and I am determined for everyone to succeed and you will find that I demonstrate this through my high expectations and my belief in people, young and old. I seek to continually improve Wexham and make it even better. Indeed this is my core message and I repeat it constantly! Strive for the best and when you achieve it aim even higher because there is amazing potential in all of us. For students the right support, challenge and motivation ensures they achieve their ambitions and will help us all to have a better future.

Mr Lawrence Smith