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Wexham School

Emergency Closure

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Emergency Closure

The School will make every effort to remain open whenever possible as we are mindful of our obligations to our students and their parents/carers. However, it may be necessary in exceptional circumstances to close the School.

Such eventualities might be:

  • Very poor weather conditions
  • No heating/electricity/water supply
  • Medical epidemic

There may also be other incidents which the Headteacher and Governors consider would endanger the Health and Safety of staff and students. The decision to close the School either before or during the School Day will be made by the Headteacher.

  • The decision to close the school outside of core hours will be taken by 7.30am after an assessment of poor weather conditions or on the advice of Slough Borough Council or the emergency services.  We will always aim to contact parents by text message as early as possible; normally this would be by 7.45am, before students leave for school. Where possible this will also appear on our website.
  • Should the school be forced to close during the day, or your child has arrived on school premises in the morning, you will be contacted before we send students home.
  • Further text messages will be sent updating parents of our situation.  For this reason it is always vital that the school has up to date contact details.
  • Should the school be forced to close for more than one day, for example for poor weather we will also post a message on our website providing further information.