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Wexham School


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Children can achieve well at school when their family and friends take an interest in their school and schoolwork. Getting involved in your child’s education, even in the simplest way, shows that you care about their school life. Often, the more supported a child feels at home, the more effectively she or he will learn at school. Whatever your lifestyle, or family situation, it is never too soon (or too late) to start helping a child develop a positive attitude towards learning.

Who to contact at school

We are always keen to see parents regarding their child’s welfare and education. In the first instance, these should be directed to the child’s Form Tutor though parents should be aware that because of teaching commitments they may not always be available to deal with the matter immediately and so it is vital that appointments are made in order to ensure that parents can meet at a mutually convenient time. Where a parent has more serious concerns they should refer these to their child’s Leader of Year

Data Reports

A School Data Report is issued termly to highlight your child's progress. If, on any occasion, parents do not receive these Reports, they should contact the student’s Leader of Year.

Academic Progress Day and Parents Evenings

Academic Progress Day is a day set aside in the Autumn Term for parents and students to meet with their child’s Form Tutor in order to set annual targets.

There is also at least one Parents’ Evening arranged for each Year Group during the Academic Year where parents have an opportunity to meet with Subject Teachers in order to discuss their child's progress. It is expected that all parents will attend these important events the dates of which can be found on the School Calendar on the website and invitations to attend these Evenings are sent out in advance.

If you cannot find the information you are looking for please contact us.