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Wexham School

Year 8

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Welcome to Year 8

The Year 8 tutor team is dedicated in supporting student’s social and emotional needs alongside their academic performance.  Our aim is to ensure that each student makes excellent progress and to meet the needs of each and every student.


Students have the opportunity to become a tutor representative at the beginning of the year through a democratically elected process.  One student will also become the year representative and have the opportunity to work closely with members of the Senior Leadership Team.  Students represent the school in the vast array of sports teams that we have, and have even progressed to compete at county level.  We believe in providing a wide range of enrichment opportunities to enhance and support our students endeavours in achieving their full academic potential.


The curriculum at Wexham allows students to broaden their experience outside the classroom in a variety of ways.  Students attend a range of career and curriculum based trips, workshops, assemblies and one to one meetings to ensure they have excellent knowledge of the wide variety of subjects currently available at Wexham School.


The challenge for every Year 8 pupil is to maximise their potential and make the most of every opportunity that comes their way. The expectation from myself and my tutor team is that pupils achieve their desired outcomes in their subjects and make excellent progress. There is a rewards assembly every half term in which pupils are nominated by their subject teachers for excellent effort, attainment and progress.

Let’s hear from some of our Form Tutors:

“Being a Form Tutor is a very important part of our role as teachers and means a lot to me and the other tutors in the Year 8 Tutor Team. Here at Wexham the tutor system means we start with our class as Year 7s and stay with them throughout their time at school, all the way through to Year 11. This allows us to create fantastic relationships with our tutees as we support them and guide them through the rewards and challenges they face in secondary school. I really enjoy being a form tutor and knowing the pastoral support I can offer them can really make a difference to their school experience.” (Miss Steele-Bodger)

It is a privilege for me to be a form tutor because I get to inspire young minds, challenge their limitations, and shape futures. The best part is knowing that I can leave a footprint in their paths to success. "They might forget what you said but they will not forget how you made them feel". Miss Pall

Let’s hear from some of our Year 8 students:

I enjoy going to the library and being able to use all the excellent resources that we have. There are many different things to do at lunch time which me and my friends enjoy. Dexter

“I enjoy the PE lessons because there is a range of sports to play. I also get a lot of help from my Leader of Year and Assistant Leader of Year. We recently went on a trip to Whipsnade Zoo which was extremely fun. We got to see so many animals and I really enjoyed the day”. Harun

“I enjoy life at Wexham because of our amazing lessons. My favourite subject is Art because it is creative, but I also like Science because of the exciting and interesting experiments we do. Our teachers listen to our concerns and always help us.”. Musfirah