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Wexham School

Year 10

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Welcome to Year 10

Our mission as a year team, is to be a year team of teachers and learners who strive for excellence in a happy, safe and inspiring learning environment. The year group have experienced lots of disruption caused by Covid 19, but all students are happy to be back in school studying for their GCSE options. They are enjoying the new-found freedom of studying option subjects that they have chosen to further their interests.

Our vision is for all students to value their education and hold high aspirations for their future, feeling empowered to take every opportunity available to them.  As students move on to fulfil their dreams, they are each happy and proud of what they have achieved and appreciate the important role that the School has played in ensuring their future.


Year 10, like other year groups, have had a variety of opportunities, there will also be more to come.  All were invited to attend a drop down day to Thorpe park, an experience which was new to many, and allowed students to test their limits and strengthen their relationships with their peers and staff members outside of the learning environment.  After 2 years with covid restrictions in place, the trip provided a welcomed change of atmosphere for all.

Year 10 have also been given opportunities to further their academic progress through the Science intervention scheme which has been running after school.  This optional addition to the timetable has provided students with the opportunity to further both their knowledge and skills, as well as take responsibility for their own learning.  

Taking responsibility has helped the Year 10 students start thinking towards their futures, with the selection of their GCSE options, to creating a career profiles on the START website. They have been provided with the opportunity to research the different career paths available to them now and in the future.   

Tutor time has provided students with the vital opportunity to develop their numerical and analytical skills. Students spend time undertaking different tasks in these areas whilst supported by their tutors. The literacy tasks that they are undertaking match complement the work that they are completing in English to strengthen their knowledge and skill set.


The tutor team is vital in inspiring Year 10 to achieve their goals. Each morning, Year 10 are greeted by their tutors and are encouraged to consider famous quotes about resilience and facts of the day to broaden their horizons.  Tutors make everyday a fresh start for students in Year 10, providing encouragement and motivation to succeed each and every day.

Wexham has a strong sense of community that brings inspiration to students and creates a friendly and supportive atmosphere.  This is strengthened by the extra-curricular activities that are run by the PE department and other curriculum areas within the school. A healthy inter-form competition has been running after school, providing each tutor group the opportunity to compete against each other. The Year 10 football team has also been doing well in fixtures against other schools in the local areas.


As a year group we expect every student to succeed.  All students are expected to strive for excellence and take risks with their learning whilst being supported by their pastoral team. The goal is for all to be able to learn in a friendly environment which allows everyone to thrive.  As a tutor team we achieve this by demanding excellence of ourselves.  Students are to complete Year 10 having learnt the strategies and skills required to complete their GCSE exams at the end of Year 11.  Our goal is for all students to have matured into independent individuals, who are active learners with the motivation to succeed and achieve their goals in the future.

Let’s hear from some of our Year 10 Tutors:

I enjoy being a tutor because I get to see a different perspective of life; the one from a student's point of view. This is often quite different from when I was their age growing up and experiencing it in a different country.  Mr B Pearson – Year 10 Tutor

Being a Year 10 form tutor means being ready to welcome my students to a new day. It takes time, energy but most importantly a smile!  Mrs J McGowan – Year 10 Tutor

Being a year 10 form tutor holds lots of responsibilities, but most importantly, it is our chance to equip them for a life outside of Wexham. Whether that be through their GCSE's, preparing them for work or teaching them a little self-love. It's a challenge, as well as an opportunity and a pleasure to be a part of.  Miss E Porter – Year 10 Tutor

Let’s hear from some of our Year 10 students:

Wexham school provides a good environment for learning and the teachers are very supportive. They provide lots of help during lessons without you having to ask for it! - Raheem – Year 10 students

Being in Year 10 has brought lots of new experiences and opportunities to gain new knowledge. I like that we have spent a lot of time looking into careers and thinking about our futures - Sherin – Year 10 student