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Wexham School


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  • There are 190 school days each year and 175 other days for shopping trips, birthday treats, non-urgent appointments and holidays.
  • One day a week absence is the equivalent over a school career of 2.5 whole years of education missed.
  • 10 days holiday leave a year is the equivalent of two whole terms of education missed.
  • 15 minutes of lateness a day equals one whole year of education missed.
  • Half a day a week missed during Years 10 and 11 can mean the loss of a grade for every GCSE taken. Full attendance leads to the best educational outcomes – please give your child the best chance and make sure they are in school every day

    Wexham School has a positive ethos in maintaining and promoting good attendance. Positive acknowledgement and praise for students who improve their attendance as well as for those that maintain excellent attendance exists and is regularly reviewed. A system of rewards and/or incentives shows the whole school community how highly attendance is valued and demonstrates to students and their families that the school values and appreciates their efforts. 

    We expect that all students will:

  • Attend school regularly, punctually and be appropriately prepared for the day.
  • Discuss with their form teacher or Leader of Year any problems preventing them from attending school.

    We expect that all parents/carers and persons who have day to day responsibility for the students will:

  • Encourage regular school attendance and be aware of their legal responsibilities.
  • Ensure that the student in their care arrives at school punctually, prepared for the school day and have completed any homework they have been given.
  • Contact the school promptly whenever any problem occurs that may keep the student away from school.
  • Contact the school office on the first day of a student’s absence, giving the reason for the absence.
  • Discuss with their form teacher or Leader of Year any problems preventing them from attending school.