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Wexham School

Wexham School
Sports College

Opportunity Inspiration Success


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An amazing celebration involving so many student at the end of the Summer Term.

As each school year ends we celebrate outstanding student achievement at our Word Millionaire and AR SuperStar Lunch where prizes and certificates are awarded by the Headteacher, Mr Smith.

We invite to this celebration any students who have:

·         scored 100% in their AR Quizzes FIVE times in a row* -  our AR SuperStars

·         read and quizzed on books that together contain over 1,000,000 words – our Word Millionaires

Both of these achievements are very clear indicators of highly successful engagement with the Accelerated Reader Scheme and together represent students of all abilities, including ARB, EAL, SEN and mentored students, proving the value of that mentoring.

Students must always report their 100% quiz results to the Librarian to to  to  and certificates are awarded by the Headteacher Mr Smith at the celebration lunch in the Library.