Urgent changes to start of term / testing - Updated 19th December 2020
You are here:Please read letter in the link for full details.
The Department for Education has now announced schools can have an additional Staff Only Day (INSET) on 4th January. This is to prepare for testing but will also help us to organise the rest of the week and deal with any other advice that materialises much nearer the time.
Therefore the following arrangements (as of Saturday 19th December) will be in place, these may be subject to change.
4th January
This is now a staff only day. All students must remain at home.
5th – 8th January
Years 11 and 13 to start school.
Any student in any year group that is classified as vulnerable or has an EHC plan should also start school on this date. We will contact these parents and students on Monday 4th January. Parents who are keyworkers and would like their child to attend school for this week should telephone the main school office on Monday 4th January or email post@wexham.slough.sch.uk. All other students in Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 must stay at home and continue with their learning remotely.
11th January
All students return to school as normal.