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Wexham School

Wexham School
Sports College

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On Tuesday 7th November, our Year 12 and 13 students attended a TED talk with Gareth Mitchell-Jones of PwC This was followed by a Q&A session, which the students found really valuable. Gareth works for one of the world's top 4 accountancy firms and spoke about his life journey including the struggles he faced along the way, career progression and current vocations and opportunities within PwC.

Student Feedback:

'I think the talk was very motivating as Gareth talked about the struggles he faced during his early career and how he managed to overcome those hurdles to become successful. These hurdles included his family issues with drugs during his adolescence and his autism. The latter which has a massive effect on his day-to-day life especially with problem solving.  This showed us all that if you are resilient, you can overcome any hardship with discipline, work and dedication' 

'I found the talk very intriguing and particular the struggles he faced at the beginning of his career, and how he was able to flip that and make a success out of himself'