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Wexham School

Wexham School
Sports College

Opportunity Inspiration Success

Year 7 September 2025 Starters for our new parents

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URGENT MESSAGE - Since parents were made aware of their child's secondary school place for 2025, we are getting a significant number of parents asking for an appeal to secure a place in Wexham. However, if you have ranked us below the school you have been allocated, you must complete a change of preference form, which is available on the Slough website; this information was included in the offer email that parents received on the National Offer Date (3rd March 2025).

I would like to thank all parents for choosing Wexham and joining an expanding school with amazing space and facilities, superb learning and a fantastic community full of friendly, dedicated students and staff.

  • Transition Day will be Tuesday 1st July 2025. All Year 6 students will spend the day with us.
  • We will be writing to parents soon regarding Transition Day and the start of Term. 
  • Our Transition Team will also be visiting your child in their primary school before the end of term and/or speak with their teachers. 
  • The first day of school for Year 7 is Thursday 5th of September.

On Friday 5th September 2025 Year 7 students should report at 8.35am to the Main School Reception. For the first two weeks of term, we will dismiss Year 7 at 3.00pm, slightly earlier than the normal time, whilst parents and students are getting used to their new school.

The school will provide a lunch for all students (free of charge) on Thursday whilst we register new students onto our system. Students are, of course, welcome on this day to bring their own packed lunch.

  • The member of staff overseeing induction and transition is Mrs Spina-Beatty, Leader of Year 7 and Induction Tutor. She will be visiting as many students as she can in their primary schools before the end of the year. 
  • If your child has an Education Health Care Plan, either Mr Morgan, Head of Inclusion, Mrs Jennings, Assistant SENDCO or Mrs Curran, Leader of the Autistic Resource Base will also be in contact.

We have a number of Year 6 parents contacting us already saying that they wish to change their allocated school for September and come to us. We still have a few places to fill due to our large expansion of numbers. If you want to change the school the Local Authority has allocated, you will need to fill out this form on Slough Borough Council's Website.

This can only be used if you have already been allocated a place in another school. Or you have declined the place offered in March and wish to change your mind. 

All applications must go through Slough Borough Council.