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Wexham School

Wexham School
Sports College

Opportunity Inspiration Success


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“Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility”

  • Designated Safeguarding Lead is Ms Sethi
  • Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are: 
  • Ms Wellspring (Assistant Headteacher)
  • Mr Morgan (Assistant Headteacher)
  • Ms Edwards (Leader of KS4)
  • Mrs Spina-Beatty - (Leader of Year 7)
  • Child Protection Officer is Ms Iftekhar

Please email: 

We recognise our moral, professional and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children.

We make every effort to provide an environment in which children and adults feel safe, secure, valued and respected. Students and staff feel confident to talk if they are worried; believing they will be effectively listened to.

Wexham School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all of our students. We believe that all children have the right to grow up safe from harm to enable them to have the best possible life chances. Everyone in our school community, including visitors and volunteers, has a responsibility to ensure that all of our students are safe.

What students can do in school to report a concern:

  • Tell their trusted adult
  • Report anonymously via Confide which is on all school computers
  • Click on the link and it will go straight to the CP team:


In urgent or emergency situations during the weekend or holidays, parents/carers should contact their local authority social care team: Slough Children First on  01753 875362 or call emergency services (999/101) directly if required.


CHILDLINE:  0800 1111 If you need to talk to someone about any problems this

is a service provided by NSPCC which is free, day and night.


NSPCC:  0800 800 5000 If you or someone you know is being abused this is a

charity which specialises in Child Protection and the prevention of cruelty of

cruelty to children.

SAMARITANS:  08457 909090 A 24 hour, helpline, that provides confidential,

emotional support for anyone experiencing feelings of distress and despair,

including those which may lead to suicide.

DOMESTIC ABUSE:  0808 2000242 If you or someone you know is suffering

abuse at home, contact Women's Aid, free phone 24 hour national domestic

violence helpline.

FORCED MARRIAGES ABROAD:  0207 008 0230/0109 - email:

These are services provided by the Foreign & Commonwealth Office to protect

young people from forced marriages abroad,


MIND:  0300 123 3393 An organisation that aims to create a better life for e

MENCAP: 0808 808 1111 A learning disability helpline, providing information

on housing, jobs, benefits and local services.

NHS DIRECT:   0845 4647 24 hour service which provides health care



GARDEN CLINIC:  (Appointments): 01753 635302 (Walk in Clinic): 01753 635505

information and advise on sexual health, contraception, termination.


BEAT:  08456 347650 Provides information for people with eating disorders and

their families.


FAMILY PLANNING ASSOCIATION: 0845 122 8690 / 01753 635302 Sexual Health 

Information and Advice on contraception, sexually transmitted infections,

pregnancy choices, abortion and planning a pregnancy.


FAMILY LIVES:  Offering support to anyone parenting a child.


NATIONAL DRUGS HELPLINE:  (Talk to Frank): 0300 123 6600 Offers advice,

and support to anyone concerned about drugs and substance misuse, including

drug users, their families, friends and carers.


CROSSROADS:  01753 525 796 Support for young carers and people with care


DAISY'S DREAM:  : 0118 9342604 Supports children and their families both 

facing and following bereavement (throughout Berkshire and the surround




CHILD DEATH:  0800 282986 A free and confidential helpline for all those

affected by the death of a child, sister, brother, friend or family member. Open:

Monday-Friday 10.00am-1.00pm, Tuesday-Wednesday until 4.00pm, early

evening 7.00pm-10.00pm.

TURNING POINT:  020 7481 7600 for substance misuse advice and support.